
桂林理工大学凯发k8官方旗舰厅主页平台管理系统 张亚楠-ag凯发旗舰厅












张亚楠,博士,副教授,硕士生导师。2016年毕业于中国科学院南京土壤研究所,获农学博士学位。2017年于广东工业大学环境科学与工程学院从事博士后研究工作。2019年入桂林理工大学环境科学与工程学院从事教学科研工作。截至目前,指导学生获得国家奖励3项,省部级奖励4项,包括中国国际‘互联网 ’大学生创新创业大赛总决赛铜奖1项(国家级),区级金奖2项,银奖1项,获得第五届城市水环境与水生态科普创意大赛决赛一等奖1项(国家级),第十八届“挑战杯”全国大学生课外学术科技作品竞赛“黑科技”专项赛卫星级奖1项(国家级),第十一届“挑战杯”广西大学生课外学术科技作品竞赛区级三等奖1项,指导学生一作完成专利授权2项。被评为中国国际‘互联网 ’大赛广西赛区选拔赛优秀创新创业导师2次,第五届城市水环境与水生态科普创意大赛决赛优秀指导老师;参与区级一流课程《环境工程导论》一门,参与获得区级研究生教学成果奖二等奖1项,参与教改项目1项,发表教改论文8篇。主持国家自然科学基金青年基金项目1项、省部级广西科技基地和人才专项项目1项,参与国家自然科学基金地区基金项目1项、省部级广西重点研发项目2项、省部级广西科技基地和人才专项项目1项,并取得了良好的科研成果,在applied catalysis b: environmental(sci 1区,if:22.1)、 journal of cleaner production(sci 1区,if:11.1)、science of the total environment(sci 1区,if:9.8)、environmental pollution(sci 1区,if:8.9)、环境科学等领域前沿期刊发表高水平论文50余篇。





(1)国家自然科学基金青年基金,42207498, pm2.5中典型pops对人肺beas-2b细胞炎性损伤机制研究,2023/01-2025/12,30万,在研,主持




(5)广西科技重大专项,桂科aa20161001-2 2020/07-2023/06,86万,在研,参与



(8)国家自然科学基金重点项目, 项目批准号:41731279,电子垃圾拆解排放典型大气毒害有机污染物的环境地球化学转化过程及其人体代谢产物研究”,2018/01- 2022/12,323万,已结题,参与

(9)“一三五”计划和领域前沿项目, issasip1618, 土壤中钛酸酯生物富集途径对其生物有效性的影响及定量构效关系研究,2016/01-2018/12,25万,已结题,参与




(1)huang lili,mo shengpeng*, zhao xin, zhou jiangjing, zhou xiaobin, zhang yanan*, fan yinming, xie qinglin, li bing, li junhua*, constructing co and zn atomic pairs in core-shell co3s4/nc@zns/nc derived from mof-on-mof nanostructures for enhanced photocatalytic co2 reduction to c2h4,applied catalysis b: environment and energy,2024, 352,124019.(sci 1区,if=22.1)

(2)mo shengpeng, zhao xin, huang lili, zhou jiangjing, li shuangde*, peng ruosi, tu zhihong, liao lei, xie qinglin, chen yunfa, zhang yanan*, ye daiqi. uncovering the role of unsaturated coordination defects in manganese oxides for concentrated solar-heating photothermal ovocs oxidation experimental and dft explorations[j]. applied catalysis b: environmental. 2024, 342:123435. (sci 1区,if=22.1)

(3)zhang yanan, huang guibin, zhang qin, bi xiaoqian, chu hang, liu zixuan, luo jun, bai shaoyuan, mo shengpeng, wang hui, fu mingming*. occurrence, distribution, and ecological risk assessment of pharmaceuticals and personal care products in the surface water of lipu river, china. environmental research. 2024, 252, 118908.(sci 2区,if=8.1)

(4)wang jiajun, zhang qin,zhang yanan*,fu mingming, ding yanli, gao xutao, qin lanqian, wang ronghua,bai shaoyuan*. efficient removal mechanism of an electrical conductivity- enhanced constructed wetlands under particle accumulated conditions[j]. journal of cleaner production, 2023, 411:137257. (sci 1区,if=11.1)

(5)bi xiaoqian, chu hang, fu mingming, xu dandan, zhao wenyu*, zhong yijian, wang mei, li ke, zhang yanan*, distribution characteristics of organic carbon (nitrogen) content, cation exchange capacity, and specifc surface area in diferent soil particle sizes. scientific reports, 2023, 13:12242. (sci 2区,if=4.6)

(6)zhang yanan, mao pu, li guiying*, hu junjie, yu yingxin, an taicheng. delineation of 3d dose-time-toxicity in human pulmonary epithelial beas-2b cells induced by decabromodiphenyl ether(bde209). environmental pollution,2018, 243, 661-669. (sci 2区,if=8.9)

(7)zhang yanan, yang xinglun, gu chenggang, wang fang, bian yongrong, song yang, wang daizhang, jiang xin*. a novel bioaccessibility prediction method for pahs in soil: composite extraction with hydroxypropyl-β-cyclodextrin and extracellular polymer substances. science of the total environment. 2016, 569-570: 997-1003. (sci 1区,if=9.8)

(8)zhang yanan, yang xinglun, gu chenggang, bian yongrong, liu zongtang, jia mingyun, wang fang, wang daizhang, jiang xin*. prediction of pahs bioaccessibility to earthworms in spiked soil by composite extraction with hydroxypropyl-β-cyclodextrin and organic acids. pedosphere. 2017, 27(3):502-510. (sci 2区,if=5.7)

(9)zhang yanan, yang xinglun, bian yongrong, gu chenggang, wang fang, wang daizhang, jiang xin*. an ase-spe-hplc method for determination of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in soil and earthworm samples. chinese journal of analytical chemistry. 2016, 44(10):1514-1520. (sci 4区,if=1.2)

(10)fu mingming, mo cehui, li hui, zhang yanan, huang, weixiong, wong, minghung*. comparison of physicochemical properties of biochars and hydrochars produced from food wastes. journal of cleaner production. 2019, 236: 117637. (sci 1区,if=11.1)

(11)liao lei,ding xuegang,li jun, huang lili,zhang mingyuan*,fan yinming,zhou xiaobin, zhang yanan, mo shengpeng*, xie qinglin. constructing mofs-derived co3o4 microsphere with atomic p-n homojunction as an efficient photothermal catalyst for boosting ethyl acetate oxidation under light irradiation. separation and purification technology. 2023. 309:122939. (sci 1区,if=8.6)

(12)li jun, mo shengpeng*,ding xuegang, huang lili , zhou xiaobin,fan yinming,zhang yanan,fu mingming, xie qinglin*, ye daiqi*,hollow cavity engineering of mofs-derived hierarchical mnox structure for highly efficient photothermal degradation of ethyl acetate under light irradiation[j]. chemical engineering journal, 2023, 464:142412. (sci 1区,if=15.1)

(13) zhou han, bai shaoyuan, zhang yanan, xu dandan*, wang mei. recent advances in ionic liquids and ionic liquid-functionalized graphene: catalytic application and environmental remediation. international journal of environmental research and public health. 2022. 19:7584.

(14)li jieyue,wang jiajun, zhang qin, ding yanli*, zhang yanan, wang ronghua, wang dunqiu, bai shaoyuan*. efficient carbon removal and excellent anti-clogging performance have been achieved in multilayer quartz sand horizontal subsurface flow constructed wetland for domestic sewage treatment. journal of environmental management. 2023, 335:117516. (sci 2区,if=8.7)

(15) li guiying, liao yi, hu junjie, lu lirong, zhang yanan, li bing, an taicheng*. activation of nf-kb pathways mediating the inflammation and pulmonary diseases associated with atmospheric methylamine exposure. environmental pollution. 2019, 252:1216-1224. (sci 2区,if=8.9)

(16)yu yingxin, jiang zi'an, zhao zhishen, chong dan, li guiying, ma shengtao, zhang yanan, an taicheng*. novel in vitro method for measuring the mass fraction of bioaccessible atmospheric polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons using simulated human lung fluids. environmental pollution. 2018. 242:1633-1641. (sci 2区,if=8.9)

(17)zhou xiaobin,·wang yingxue, liu huili, zhang yanan, fan yinming, mo shengpeng, li huaxia,wang junyi,lin hua*. novel aminomodifed bambooderived biocharsupported nanozerovalent iron (ambbcnzvi) composite for efcient cr(vi) removal from aqueous solution. environmental science and pollution research, 2023. (sci 3区,if=5.8)

(18) mo shengpeng, huang lili, zhao xi, li jun, ding xuegang, zhou xiaobin, zhang yanan, fan yinming, fu mingming, zhu hongxiang, xie qinglin*, ye daiqi. hierarchically ordered microporous ag2s qds-coox/nc nanostructures for enhancing photocatalytic co2 reduction to chemical fuels. fuel, 2024, 358,130113. (sci 1区,if=7.4)

(19) huang lili, mo shengpeng*, zhao xin, zhou jiangjing, zhou xiaobin, zhang yanan, fu mingming, fan yinming, xie qinglin*, ye daiqi*, chen yunfa. designing multi-layered mof-on-mof-transformed core double-shell fesx@zns@cosx heterojunction for enhanced co2 photoreduction with water vapor. chemical engineering journal, 2023, 474, 145740. (sci 1区,if=15.1)

(20) mo shengpeng, zhao xinya, li shuangde, huang lili, zhao xin, ren quanming, zhang mingyuan, peng ruosi, zhang yanan, zhou xiaobin, fan yinming, xie qinglin*, yanbing guo*, daiqi ye*, and yunfa chen. non-interacting ni and fe dual-atom pair sites in n-doped carbon catalysts for efficient concentrating solar-driven photothermal co2 reduction. angewandte chemie-international edition. 2023, 62, e202313868. (sci 1区,if=16.6)

(21)张亚楠,杨兴伦,卞永荣,谷成刚,刘总堂, 李娇, 王代长*, 蒋新. 化学提取法表征污染土壤中 pahs 老化规律和蚯蚓富集特征[j]. 环境科学, 2015, 36(12): 4582-4590.

(22)张亚楠,杨兴伦,卞永荣,谷成刚,王芳, 王代长*, 蒋新. 鼠李糖脂与β-环糊精复合提取预测污染土壤中pahs的生物有效性[j]. 环境科学, 2016, 37(8): 3201-3207.

(23)张亚楠, 饶伟, 衡利沙, 王代长*, 张文豪, 李腾. 黄棕壤中活性有机碳对 cu 吸附的影响[j]. 农业环境科学学报, 2012, 31(1): 113-118.

(24)王小明, 谢迎新*, 张亚楠, 朱云集, 颜晓元. 新型肥料施用对玉米季土壤硝态氮累积的影响[j]. 水土保持学报, 2009 (5): 232-236.

(25)张文豪, 饶伟, 张亚楠, 王代长*, 胡媛媛, 张永全, 黄国勇. 镁铝双氢氧化物和镁铁铝改性蒙脱土去除水体中磷的吸附效果研究[j]. 农业环境科学学报, 2011, 30(10): 2061-2067.

(26)王慎阳, 饶伟, 王代长*, 张亚楠, 李腾, 唐冰培, 杨世杰. 蒙脱土, 高岭土和针铁矿对 dna 吸附与解吸特征[j]. 环境科学, 2012, 33(5): 1736-1743.

(27)杜光辉, 饶伟, 李鑫, 张亚楠, *, , , , , . 水稻根际与非根际土壤硫素赋存形态转化及其迁移规律[j]. 环境科学, 2016, 37(7):2779-2790.

(28)杨世杰, 唐冰培, 王代长*, 饶伟, 张亚楠, 王丹, 朱云集. 硫素对水稻吸收砷的生物有效性及其在土壤中形态影响[j]. 环境科学,2014, 35(9):3553-3563.

(29)唐冰培,杨世杰,王代长*, 饶伟,张亚楠,王丹,朱云集. 硫素对氧化还原条件下水稻土氧化铁和砷形态影响[j]. 环境科学, 2014, 35(10): 3851-3861.

(30)王代长*, 孙志成, 蒋新, 饶伟, 张亚楠, 张文豪. 酸性条件下红壤表面zn2 -h 反应动力学的能量特征[j]. 农业环境科学学报, 2009, 28(11): 2328-2332.


陈燕玲, 黄燕梅, 庞冰芳, 聂壬婷, 陆安馨, 梁雪梅, 张亚楠, 白少元, 许丹丹, 王慧. 一种农村涝池水生态处理系统[p]. 2023, zl 2023 2 0869276.8, cn 219279703 u.

王颖琪,陈锡煜,吴童,张亚楠,赵文玉. 一种庭陆院式农村生活污水处理设备[p]. 2022, zl 2022 2 1056191. x, cn 218046768 u.

白少元,丁彦礼,王佳俊,张琴,张亚楠,刘丽恒[p]. 2021, zl 2021 1 1614058.1, cn 114262006 b.

  • 教育经历education background
  • 工作经历work experience
  • 研究方向research focus
  • 社会兼职social affiliations