桂林理工大学凯发k8官方旗舰厅主页平台管理系统 khoo hock eng-ag凯发旗舰厅


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邱福荣,男,马来西亚汉族华裔,博士毕业于马来西亚博特拉大学,2018年博士后出站,广西-东盟杰出青年科学家计划的科研人员,食品科学和营养领域经验丰富的研究人员,有食品化学和研究方法的教学经验,也是马来西亚国家级myphd学者及马来西亚营养师,曾获得本科生院长名单奖两项。主持广西人才项目1项,参与广西科技项目3项,参与马来西亚研究基金项目3项、获国际学术会议壁报二等奖一共3项;发表学术论文100篇,其中sci收录70,申请中国发明专利6项,授权实用新型专利2项;参编马来西亚博特拉大学出版社英文专著2部、合著美国出版社英文专著2篇、马来西亚博特拉大学出版社英文专著3篇,同行评审外语学术论文100,目前是frontiers旗下《营养前沿frontiers in nutrition副主编

2000.1  to  2001.12
chung ling high school penang malaysia 
 science field 
 form six 
 malaysian high school certificate (stpm)

2002.5  to  2005.5
universiti putra malaysia 
 nutrition and community health 
 undergraduate student 
 bachelor of science

2005.7  to  2009.10
universiti putra malaysia 
 nutritional sciences 
 postgraduate master student 
 master of science

2010.7  to  2014.5
universiti putra malaysia 
 nutritional sciences 
 postgraduate (doctoral) 
 doctor of philosophy

2006.6  to  2019.7
nutrition society of malaysia
part-time nutritional consultant

2006.1  to  2014.6
universiti putra malaysia
faculty of medicine and health sciences
research assistant/graduate research assistant
contract ended

2013.9  to  2014.2
ucsi university malaysia
faculty of applied sciences
research assistant
contract ended

2018.7  to  2019.7
universiti putra malaysia
faculty of medicine and health sciences

2014.7  to  2018.7
universiti putra malaysia
faculty of medicine and health sciences
postdoctoral research fellow

2019.8  to  2020.8
guangxi academy of agricultural sciences
agro-food science and technology research center
china-asean talented young scientist program
program is ended

2021.1  to  2021.12
yunnan sanlihong biotechnology co., ltd
high-end foreign experts introduction program - visiting scientist
the project is completed

2020.9  to  now
guilin university of technology
college of chemistry and bioengineering
research-based academician

no content

research group

name of research group:research team on processing and utilization of biological resources
